Sunday, July 15, 2012

Iran: Security force agent murders teenager at point-blank range before pedestrians

In yet another horrific crime, an agent of the mullahs’ State Security Force murdered a 16-year old teenager at point-blank range before the eyes of terrified pedestrians.

Reports indicate last Thursday, many people had gathered in Tehran’s Khazane district to celebrate a religious holiday. Khamenei’s murderers however were dispatched to this area to prevent any ceremony or celebrations taking place by the people. They attempted to arrest a 16-year old teenager by the name of Ali Ghassemi who had a small motorcycle, attacking him and in the end one of the agents shooting the boy in the head at a mere distance of 20 cm before the very eyes of terrified pedestrians.

“I saw myself that the agent for no reason at all shoved the boy while he was simply sitting on his mini-bike and then he fired two bird shots,” one eyewitness said. “Then Ali’s friends went towards them and the agent put the gun on Ali’s neck and I heard the shot. I was completely shocked.”

One of the victim’s friends said, “My friend was never after liquor or any kind of trouble. He had bought a mini-bike to take his mother for her errands because her feet had serious pains, and he also used the bike to take his mother to the hospital regularly. The agent told him why had he drunk liquor to which he replied he hadn’t. The agent then shoved him and this incident occurred.”

An Iranian regime state-run media outlet, unable to cover up this crime, wrote, “Everyone saw the agent placing his gun near Ali. No one thought a bullet would be fired, but the sound of the gunshot shocked everyone.”

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